Assistant Grade - Company / Corporation solved question paper
1. The Author of ‘Prithvi Raj Raso’ was: Chandra Varadai
2. The first Karnatik war came to an end with the:Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle
3. Permanent land Revenue settlement was introduced in Bengal by: Lord Cornwallis
4. ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ was applied by: Lord Dalhouse
5. Principles of Panchesheel were framed in: Bandung
6. The Author of India Today is: R.P. Dutt
7. Local self Govt. in India, for the first time was introduced by: Lord Rippon
8. The President of Pakistan who signed the Tashkent Agreement after the Indo-Pak War of 1965 was: Ayub Khan
9. The war between India and China took place in: 1962
10. Tashkent Pact was signed between: Lal Bahadur Sastri and Ayub Khan