1. The
Astronautical Society of India selected Dr. A.E. Muthunayagam and Dr. V.K.
Saraswat for Aryabhatta Award 2010 and 2011
2. National
Comminttee on Direct Cash Transfers started roll-out of the Direct Cash
Benefits in 20 selected dirstricts of the country on 01 January 2013
3. Union
Government constrituted the 14th Finance Commission under Former
Reserve Bank Governor Yaga Venugopal Reddy.
4. Chief
Justice of India Altamas
Kabir inaugurated the first fast track court in Saket Court Complex, Delhi for dealing with the
crime against femailes.
Director – S. Ramakrishnan. He replaced P.S. Veeraraghavan and carries four
decades of experience in Rocketry.
6. The
government of Odisha lauched the much-sought after public services Delivery
System for citizens for citizens under the Odisha Right to Public Service Act,
7. Justice
Amitava Roy was sworn in as the Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court.
8. Tipperary
International Peace Prize for 2012 was awarded to Malala Yousafzai for her
courage and determination.
9. Urijit
Patel was appointed as the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank.
10. As per the
survey held by the Economist Intelligence, the sister company of The Economy, Switzerland was
declared as the best place to be born in the World.
GK and Current Affairs January 2013